We featured Steve Jobs in this space only a short time ago when he retired as CEO of Apple, and his death this week has compelled us to showcase Jobs again. Many, many tributes and remembrances were written this week, and you can find a few that provide insight into Jobs’ vision, personality and legacy below.
For the last several weeks we’ve featured articles that explore prospective employer recruiting, information-seeking and monitoring via social network research. A recent start-up, Reppler, helps people manage their online professional and personal repuation. A survey taken by Reppler, and described in a fascinating Forbes article, describes the characteristics a typical employer hopes to find online about prospective employees. It is worth noting that Reppler’s corporate parent is named
SafeToBe.Me, Inc.
Technology in the Workplace
- That Little Smart Phone Might Cause a Big Wage and Hour Headache (Labor Letter)
- Attorney’s Duties Regarding Employee Emails (Lawffice Space)
- What Prospective Employers Hope to See in Your Facebook Account (Forbes)
- Managing Your Online Image Across Social Networks (Reppler.com)
- NLRB Administrative Law Judge Upholds Termination Based on Facebook Posts (Labor Counsel)
- Sample Social Media Policy (Delaware Employment Law Blog)
- Privacy and Company Email Use – What Can Employees Expect (Employment Law Bits)
Technology and the Law More Generally
- Copyright Protection for Software: Keeps Getting Better (Copyright Infringement Blog)
- Congressman Asks FTC to Investigate Use of Supercookies (Privacy and Security Law Blog)
- State Data Breach Law Matrix (Privacy and Security Matters)
- Innovatio’s Patent Infringement Suit Rampage Extends to Corporate Hotels (Patent Examiner Blog)
Technology this Week
- Jobs: Imitated, Never Duplicated (Pogue’s Posts)
- Steven Paul Jobs (WSJ)
- Steve Jobs as Frank Lloyd Wright (Wired)
- Jobs Best Quotes (Gizmodo)
- YouTube Launches Political Channel (YouTube)
- India Rolls Out World’s Cheapest Tablet (NDTV)
- Apple Introduces iPhone 4S, iCloud, iOS 5 (Apple)
- App Turns Table on iPhone Thief (NY Times)
- FCC Plans to Direct More Support to Broadband (NY Times)
Compiled and contributed by Scott Raver