This Week in Review illustrates the Wild West that is the world of technology. Several stories from this week discuss events no one could have imagined ten years ago, including arrests of the members of the LulzSec hacking group, a looming FTC antitrust probe of Google for its dominance of the internet search market, and, of course, another take on the Rep. Anthony Weiner scandal.
In the midst of these developments, a story about the recent anniversary of the Listserv caught my attention. Listserv, the first automatic email delivery software, just celebrated its 25th year. In many ways, the Listserv was the precursor to social media, allowing email subscribers to share information interactively.
So what technological development will we be marking in 25 years? One major change already underway in many workplaces is the use of social media for internal communications. Imagine sending an instant message (“IM”) to your colleague to ask a quick question, or participating in online discussions with co-workers from down the hall as well as around the world. These changes, and more, are already underway in many workplaces. And in the Wild West of technology, change is the name of the game.
Technology in the Workplace
- Companies Are Erecting In-House Social Networks (NY Times)
- Are you ready for the second wave of social media? (SmartBlog on Social Media)
- LinkedIn Lessons For Employers: Part 5 and Part 6 (Delaware Employment Law Blog)
- State Department Error Dashes Hopes of Thousands Seeking to Live in U.S. (NY Times)
- Is LinkedIn a Gender Equalizer (Fast Company)
- The countdown is on for HR & Social Media (Ohio Employer’s Law Blog)
- How To Respond To A Social Media Crisis or Scandal: Don’t Be A Weiner (Shear on Social Media Law)
Technology and the Law More Generally
- Arrest Puts Spotlight on Brazen Hacking Group LulzSec (NY Times)
- FTC Is Poised to Pursue Antitrust Probe re Googles Web-Search Dominance (ABA Journal)
- Winklevosses Drop Facebook Fight and Keep Settlement (Bits)
- F.B.I. Seizes Web Servers, Knocking Sites Offline (Bits)
- Does Your Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance Program Reflect Your Social Media Presence? (Social Media Law Update)
- Prosecutors Facebook postings did not warrant overturning conviction (Internet Cases)
Technology in the News
- Charity Goes Mobile To Appeal to Young (NY Times)
- Email Everywhere: 25th Anniversary Of Listserv (Fast Company)
- Security Professionals Say Network Breaches Are Rampant (Bits)
- Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone (NY Times)
- Japanese K Computer Is Ranked Most Powerful (NY Times)
- Data for 1.3 Million Customers Stolen in Latest Game Maker Attack (NY Times)