Privacy and secrecy in the workplace. It’s kind of a touchy topic, isn’t it? On the one hand, both employers and employees expect that information that they consider to be private will remain private. But on the other hand, both employers and employees often wonder about the secrets that the other is keeping from them.
This week’s stories showcase the huge impact of modern technology on privacy and secrets in the workplace. From the iPhone location-tracking data scandal to employee recordings of workplace conversations to digital warning signs of an imminent employee departure, the tools of the modern workplace often leave behind electronic footprints of important information. In the Internet age, employers and employees alike should be mindful of the quote attributed to Stewart Brand: “Information wants to be free.”
Technology in the Workplace
- Social Media Signals of an Employee Departure (Smooth Transitions)
- Meet Friday, The Robot That’ll Staff The 24-Hour Production Line (Fast Company)
- A Facebook Harassment Consideration (Lawffice Space)
- Are You Secretly Being Recorded at Work (ABC News)
- Screening Job Applicants with Facebook: Part 3 (Delaware Employment Law Blog)
Technology and the Law More Generally
- Al Franken To Steve Jobs on iPhone Tracking: I Want Answers (Talking Points Memo)
- Winklevoss Twins Ask for New Hearing in Facebook Case (Bits)
- Abrupt Turn as Facebook Battles N.Y. Suit (NY Times)
- Texas supreme court says identities of anonymous bloggers should not be disclosed (Internet Cases)
- U.S. Cracks Down on Online Gambling (NY Times)
- WikiLeaks, Twitter Records Case Heads Back to Court (Fast Case)
Technology in the News
- The President’s Facebook Town Hall (White House Blog, Bits)
- Kids Fail to Recognize Online Ads, Study Says (Bits)
- Ugandan Government to Order Blocking of Facebook, Twitter to Quash Protests (Fast Company)
- The Revolution Will Be Skyped: Libyan Rebels Take to Skype, Chat With Students (Fast Company)
- Location Apps Generate Privacy Concerns, Report Says (Bits)