This week we see the push and pull between the benefits that new technology can provide and the difficulties it creates when we try to integrate it into our current systems. A number of problems have arisen recently based on the availability of cell phone GPS data and the security of data organizational and protection software. These, and other technological issues affecting our lives, have been collected below.
Technology and the Law
- Conflict Between Circuit Courts on Legality of Cellphone Tracking (SecurityNewsDaily)
- Legality of Malls Tracking Shoppers Using their Cellphones? (PCWorld)
- F.C.C. Reviewing Upcoming Merger of AT&T and T-Mobile (NYTimes)
- Class Action Case Based on Junk Faxes Dismissed (ThomsonReuters)
Technology and the Workplace
- The Reliability of Automated Record Classificaton Programs (InsideCounsel)
- Advice for Handling Online Holiday Shopping at Work (EmploymetLawBits)
- Boosting Work Credibility the Luddite Way (Forbes)
- Reports 70% of Gen Yers Leave First Job within Two Years (Forbes)
- A New Way of Examining Data Security Breaches (WSJ)
There’s A (Thanksgiving) App for That
- Paprika, Recipe Manager (NYTimes)
- Goodzer, Locavore App (Techcocktail)
- TapBuy, Instant Purchases (Apple)