Yahoo is front and center in tech news this week, but not because of its services. Last Friday, the company told its employees that as of June 1st, no one will be permitted to work from home. The internal memo cited quality and efficiency concerns related to telecommuting. The change has angered some employees and sparked criticism.
In other interesting news, today is Pope Benedict XVI’s last day in office, and cardinals will soon meet in conclave to elect a new pope. Though technological advances such as Twitter and camera phones make secrecy a difficult goal to obtain, the Catholic Church is taking every precaution. Cardinals are forbidden to engage in any communication with the outside world (including tweets) while in conclave, and other staff present for the deliberations face excommunication if they are caught using any device with recording technologies (i.e., almost any phone these days).
Technology and the Workplace
- Yahoo Has a New No-Telecommuting Rule. Here’s Why It May Be Unlawful (Employer Handbook) (All Things D) (CNN)
- FBI Battling “Rash of Sexting” Among Its Employees (CNN)
- Social Media Bills Under Consideration in Utah and Philadelphia (Law 360) (Law 360)
- Facebook Posts Not “Solicitation” Under Former Employee’s Restrictive Covenant Agreement (Employer Law Report)
- The Budding Burden of BYOD – Legal Issues Abound (Employer Handbook)
Technology and the Law
- Supreme Court Dismisses Challenges to Surveillance Law (Washington Post)
- Prosecutors: Encouraging Suicide is Not Free Speech (MPR)
- Penalty for BlackBerry Use in Conclave Really Could Be Excommunication (Lowering the Bar)(CNN)
- Copyright Alert System Launches, ISPs to Send Notice of Illegal Downloads (CBS) (Gawker)
- It’s Google, But is It Art? Museums Mull Opening Their Galleries to Digitization (ABA Journal)
There’s an App for That
- Stick This On Your Keys and Never Lose Them Again (Huffington Post)
- Sassy App Punishes You When You’re Being Lazy (Mashable)
- New App Keeps You Tweeting After Death (FOX)
- Cocktail Time: 5 Drink Recipe Apps (WIRED)
- Want to Track Your Kid? There’s an App for That (FOX)