There was a little something for everyone in this week’s technology developments. Colorado adopted a social media workplace privacy law, joining 13 other states with similar laws that limit employers’ access to employees’ passwords and other personal data. Privacy doesn’t fare so well, however, according to new reports that forensic examiners have increased their ability to recover all kinds of things cell phone users thought were “deleted,” including incriminating pictures taken with the Snapchat app. All sorts of workplaces are now able to accept mobile payments, which is a great convenience for customers but increases responsibilities — and potential liabilities — for employees. And at the political intersection of technology and labor, high-tech companies want to increase the number of skilled computer workers and engineers from other countries allowed to work in the US, while labor organizations want to keep tech jobs for US citizens.
Technology and the Workplace
CO Now Has a Social Media Workplace Privacy Law Too (Employer Handbook)
U.S. Technology, Labor Clash on Immigration (CBS)
14 Ways to Accept Mobile Payments (Mashable)
OMG, “Deleted” Snapchat Sexts Can Actually Be Recovered? (Slate) (ARS Technica)
Court Orders Re-Hiring a Teacher Who Wished Her Students a Watery Death (Employer Handbook)
Technology and the Law
Stunned by $45M Cyberheist, Banks Have Limited Options for Trying to Recover Money (ABA Journal) (CNN)
Copyright Owners Can’t Sue YouTube as a Group (NBC) (Huffington Post)
France Set to Tax Smartphones to Protect Culture in Digital Age (CNBC)
WV Bans Sexting Between Juveniles While Creating Educational Diversion Program (Huffington Post)
Obama Has Worse Record Than Nixon on Press Freedoms, Says Pentagon Papers Lawyer (ABA Journal) (The Daily Beast)
There’s an App for That
Google Wallet Will Soon Allow You to Send Money as a Gmail Attachment (Gawker)
Swipe Away Photo Imperfections on a Smartphone (NYT)
Huggies TweetPee Device Sends Tweet When Baby Wets Diaper (CBS)
3 Apps for a Better Night’s Sleep (Mashable)