The dance between cybersecurity proponents and privacy rights advocates continues. Today, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation announced that the Senate will not take up the House version of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). Picking up on some of the public’s criticism of the bill, a Senate spokesperson expressed concerns that the House version does not provide sufficient privacy protections. The Senate will be drafting its own version of the cybersecurity bill.
Employers may want to keep an eye on how this legislation unfolds, because it may affect business operations. The House version of the bill attempts to combat cybercrimes with increased access to information. It allows companies to share employees personal information with other companies and the government in order to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of security breaches. The House also rejected an amendment to the bill that would have prohibited employers from asking for employees’ social media passwords. How the Senate will respond to such concerns remains to be seen, but it’s something worth watching for.
Technology and the Workplace
Data Breach Lawsuits – Revisiting the Risk (Data Security Law Journal)
Cybersecurity Bill Allows Employers to Seize Employee Facebook Passwords (Above the Law) (Employer Handbook)
You Shouldn’t Be Facebook Friends With Your Boss, Survey Says (Huffington Post)
Facebook Criticism of Supervisor Protected, NLRB Finds (Law 360) (Labor Relations Today)
How Tech Creates Additional Challenges in Today’s Workplace (Employer Handbook)
Technology and the Law
ACLU: CISPA is Dead – For Now (US News) (CNET)
Scalpers Beware: New Laws Redefine What is a Ticket (WSJ) (ABA Journal)
FBI Denied Permission to Spy on Hacker Through His Webcam (ARS Technica)
DOJ Secretly Granted Immunity to Companies That Participated in Monitoring Program (Wired)
Judge Allows Suit Challenging Contract Intended to Squelch Bad Online Reviews (ABA Journal) (Forbes)
Three Virginia Teens Face Child Porn Charges in “Sexting” Trial (ARS Technica)
There’s an App for That
Facebook Adds Free Calling for Android Messenger App Users (LA Times)
Prosthetic Hand Controlled With iOS App (Mashable)
LinkedIn Lauches “Contacts” To Help You Foster Your Professional Network (Wired)
7 Apps to Help Your Kids Be More Responsible (Huffington Post)
“Smart Guns” Could Be Next Step in Gun Control (CNN)