This week, everyone seemed to have an opinion about Apples new iOS 7 software for iPhones whether they loved its new features or were frustrated that it took too long for data to download. While many people were absorbed in their phones, social media also reached another milestone. For the first time, research displayed on the Tumblr website was cited in an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. Elsewhere, an investigation by the New York Attorney General revealed that many of the reviews on websites such as Yelp are fake. Nineteen companies that have been found responsible for arranging and paying for fake reviews will have to stop this practice and pay fines for their conduct. Other technology news this week includes apps that help with workplace stress, Twitters introduction of personal recommendations, and LinkedIns scandal over its misuse of users emails.
Technology and the Workplace
Should LinkedIn be clearer about harvesting email contacts? (LATimes)
24 Essential Mind Mapping and Brainstorming Tools (Mashable)
N.Y. Governor Unveils Plan To Create ‘Texting Zones’ For Distracted Drivers (ABC)
Recent Grad Finds Job Through Her Dad’s LinkedIn Account (Forbes)
The Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014 (Forbes)
Technology and the Law
Fake Reviewers Get Zero Stars From New York Attorney General (NPR)
The First Time a Tumblr Has Been Used in an Argument in a Supreme Court Brief (Atlantic)
Law firm can read ex-partners incoming email, opinion says, but must forward email about his cases (ABA)
What will 3-D printing do to IP Law? Manufacturing? Product liability? (ABA)
Woman sues paramedic, claims he posted her photo on Twitter with wide load caption (ABA)
There’s an App for That
Twitter rolls out personal recommendations feature ahead of IPO (LATimes)
7 Apps To Beat Stress In The Workplace (Forbes)
Trouble Using iOS 7? Here Are 15 Tricks To Make The Transition Easier (Forbes)
5 things you need to know about revamped comments on YouTube (LATimes)
The app that can read your mind (CNN)