Twitter has been in the news this week, they’ve launched the first update to their website since its creation, and with 100 million followers and 250 million tweets per day, the social media tool has been providing fodder for the judicial system. Twitter has a propensity to show up regularly in the media, poor tweet judgment has repeatedly been shown by celebrities and politicians. Twitter feeds are easily subscribed to, available to the public, and almost intractable. These qualities can lead to a host of legal issues. Once statements are sent out to the world at large, they are free to do damage to reputations, release confidential information, and provide documentation of discrimination or harassment. Discussed below are some new legal issues that Twitter has given rise to, as well as other changes to our workplace and legal system brought about by new technologies.
Technology and the Law
- Murder Conviction Reversal Due to Juror’s Tweets (ABAJournal)
- Amendment to Video Privacy Act Clarifies What “Consent” Means Now (InsidePrivacy)
- Legal Services Groupons Now Available (LawSites)
- Redacted Information Released Through E-Docs in Apple Patent Infringement Case (ABAJournal)
Technology and the Workplace
- Fitness Instructor’s Tweet Ends His Employment (WashingtonPost)
- Asking Who Owns Social Media? You’re Missing the Point (Forbes)
- Workplace Meals to Counteract the Isolation of Technology (StarTribune)